Tuesday 14 January 2014

To be or not to be

There comes a time in every man's life when he begins to ponder over various questions and issues that have bogged him down in his life until now. Thinking and pondering and creating an imaginary bubble seem to be the only source of solace.
What I have dreamt has started coming true, all the proverbs and philosophical works that I have read pertaining to mental strength and the power of grit and hard work are turning out to be true. Now I am wondering whether my rebellion was worth it and do I really want to live a different existence. My insides want me to fade away into oblivion and follow the rut which the rest of the world is following. Yet I am clinging on to hope, the hope for a better future, the hope for progress, the hope for freedom and the hope to be remembered.
I have been hurt in my life, left to rot at the whims of the unjust social system and also been downright broke quite a few times. Yet I have refused to surrender and bow down to the society. I have started testing how the system reacts to the stimuli which I instigate against it. Most of the times the results are ghastly and the psychological damage is permanent.

However, I have cleansed and improved my lens of perception through the cleaning power of pain, hurt and loss. The power of true love and the beauty of willpower have taught me many lessons in my journey. Yet the question within me remains that if I am ready to dive deep down into the tumultuous waters of my soul or that this mere shallow depth snorkeling was enough!

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