Tuesday 24 December 2013

Happy birthday Quaid e Azam and Merry Christmas everyone!

It was a lazy morning today and again I did the error of surfing the channels, while some channels were at least recognizing that today is Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s birth anniversary, there was one channel who was debating whether faith healing can help a wife controls her husband!

Unlike my previous blog about morning shows and their idiosyncrasies, I am here to stress and remind us all Pakistanis who we were and wanted to pay homage to the great man who formed this great country Pakistan. I was recently hurt and bewildered of the mind numbing herd like attitude and the rat race for money which has consumed my contemporaries.

People around me have a simple way now: study (without realizing the fact that very few in our country can get this great privilege), go abroad, earn and die. Whenever one asks them that why do they want to go abroad, they have one explanation: Pakistan is in a state of turmoil and we have no future here. My heart breaks to see these people and the way they have ignored and forgotten the sacrifices by the millions of people who made for this great country and the great struggle of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

We are all lost in the humdrum and get fascinated by the bright and fuzzy world of the emerging market economies (such as Middle Eastern countries). What we fail to understand is that every day lost in bickering and complaining about Pakistan is a day we lag behind.

Recently, the world paid tribute to the great Nelson Mandela on his funeral and the South African people made sure that the world knows and realizes the greatness of their great leader Nelson Mandela. But sadly in Pakistan, we have forgotten this great man and the message he brought.

For all of you, who are enjoying comfortable lives, I call to your soul and ask you one simple question: “Won’t it be worth it that your life can matter more if you start thinking beyond your desires?”
The answer lies in your soul, I hope and pray you wake up. We at Pi Studio will continue our efforts to make sure that we try to stir up your soul and see our nation prosper.

Let us all remember the great man who taught us that people of all religions should co-exist in harmony in Pakistan, with his following quote:

“You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the State.” 
― Muhammad Ali Jinnah


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