Wednesday 15 October 2014

And then there was the word

And then there was the word. There are times when we communicate through our gestures in the hope that we do not need to speak. However, one thing is for certain that words are they key to the expression of truth.
I am a prisoner of silence. I have stood by it and believed in the power of silence and I still do. I still believe that actions speak louder than words. But if my words are totally absent, the baseline comparison for my actions is minimal. Even a small action on my part will look big to me!
This is the dilemma of speaking out or to stay silent. Because at times I feel that if I speak out and fail to act on it the world will start criticizing me that even though I had made tall claims, yet I was unable to act on what I said.
Thus all of this argument leads to the true evil lurking in the back alleys of my subconscious, and that is called fear. It is only fear that prevents me from speaking out the truth. I fear the consequences such as social stigma and alienation from the society as a whole if I speak the truth out openly. However, now it is very clear that I must speak and continue to speak against any injustice I see. It is only when I can describe the injustice in detail that I can effectively take steps to counter it.
I am an ordinary man who was raised in a middle class household with the ideals that if you work hard enough you will get all your dreams. As I grew up, I came to realize how erroneous my innocent parents’ notion was. Growing up in Pakistani society I realized that unless and until you do not belong to a select clique of people, it is very difficult to succeed. Even though hard work does pay off in the end, but the route is very difficult in a corrupt nation like Pakistan.
A majority of the population is hampered in getting good education. When we enter our work lives we have to worry about bills to pay, whereas a handful of people on the other end of the economic spectrum firmly assert their hegemony over us, by securing their children's' futures through setting up big businesses for them or introducing them in their political circles.
Now, I have decided that enough is enough and that I will use the only medium of communication available to everyone: words. The word of truth will spread all over and envelop every Pakistani’s conscience to wake up.
Pakistan Zindabad!

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